In our periodic review of useful resources on the Internet, one site we wanted to bring to everyone’s attention is the web site for the County Auditors’ Association of Ohio (CAAO). The CAAO represents the interests of Ohio’s 88 County Auditors. From their web site you can access a directory of the County Auditor offices for all 88 counties. Select the link for the county you need, and you will find the address, and other contact information, including an email address and web site address, if available. When you need to contact an auditor's office in a county you have never dealt with before then this web site is the perfect starting point to obtain the information you need.
Most of us are familiar with the real estate transfer and tax functions of the Auditor’s Office, but there are many other functions and responsibilities of a County Auditor’s office, some of which you may not realize are handled through it. The CAAO web site takes you on a tour of all the various duties of a County Auditor’s office, such as those involving personal property, real estate, licensing and inspection responsibilities as well as other duties of that office. Also found on this site is an explanation of the fiscal responsibilities handled through County Auditors’ offices, an overview of the Weights and Measures Division, and County Geographical Information Systems (GIS) maps in Ohio.
Most of us are familiar with the real estate transfer and tax functions of the Auditor’s Office, but there are many other functions and responsibilities of a County Auditor’s office, some of which you may not realize are handled through it. The CAAO web site takes you on a tour of all the various duties of a County Auditor’s office, such as those involving personal property, real estate, licensing and inspection responsibilities as well as other duties of that office. Also found on this site is an explanation of the fiscal responsibilities handled through County Auditors’ offices, an overview of the Weights and Measures Division, and County Geographical Information Systems (GIS) maps in Ohio.
The CAAO web site is worth checking out and bookmarking for future reference.
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