The Ohio Golf Course
Association’s Policy Statement of Public/Private Competition provides, in
pertinent part: “We oppose the
development of new, and the expansion of existing government-owned golf
facilities that have the potential of displacing business from the private
sector”. (See:
With golf courses across the country closing at a rate
of more than 100 per year, and the recent, “chilly” legislative and judicial
climate in Ohio (referred to herein as the “legislative bogey” and the
“judicial bogey”), it is easy to understand the association’s opposition.
“legislative bogey”: A line-item in the 2016-17 Ohio Budget would have
given private golf course owners uniform property tax rules, requiring that Ohio’s auditors base golf course tax
rates on the income the business generates, period. Currently, such auditors have three ways to evaluate
golf courses and other commercial property: compare them with recent sales and
similar properties; base the valuation on their highest use; or base the value
on the income the property generates. However, the “game changing tax
language” was removed from the final budget bill before it left committee.
The “judicial bogey” comes in the form of the
recent Ohio Supreme Court decision of Cincinnati
v. Testa, Slip Opinion No. 2015-Ohio 1775. The court in Cincinnati v. Testa held that the City
of Cincinnati’s contractual arrangement with a for-profit company to manage and
operate its public golf courses did not defeat the city’s exemption from
property taxes pursuant to Ohio law (OR.C.
5709.08 et seq.); and that such golf courses retain their status as “public
property used exclusively for a public purpose”, in spite of such contractual arrangement.
This case was initiated by a
complaint from Paul Macke (a private golf-course operator who owns taxable real
property in Hamilton County) to the Ohio Tax Commissioner (“Testa”). Macke complained that he had to close one of his
courses as a result of increasing expenses (including taxes) and decreasing
revenues, based, in part from competition by a nearby city course operated by
Golf Management, Inc. (a private, for profit company). According to Macke, the city-owned
course could afford to reduce fees and aggressively compete because they were
exempt from taxes, and they should not be exempt because the city course was operated by a private, for-profit entity.
reviewing Macke’s complaints, the Ohio Tax Commissioner determined that the city’s
tax exemption should be revoked and that its golf courses should be subject to
real-property tax. The City of Cincinnati appealed to the Board of Tax Appeals
(“BTA”), which reversed the commissioner’s determination and allowed the
exemption. The tax commissioner then appealed to the
Ohio Supreme Court.
The court’s
holding in Cincinnati v. Testa was
based largely on its interpretation of the statutory provision it deemed most
applicable (O.R.C. 5709.121(A)(2)). “Under
R.C. 5709.121(A)(2), three elements
must be satisfied in order to conclude that the golf courses in this case are
used exclusively for a public purpose and are, therefore, entitled to a tax
exemption. First, they must be ‘under the direction or control of’ Cincinnati…Second,
the property’s use must be ‘in furtherance of or incidental to [Cincinnati’s]
public purposes’…Third, the property must be made available to others, not with
a view to profit.”
The court
deemed the first element satisfied by reiterating the evidence demonstrating extensive
direction/control by Cincinnati such as Cincinnati’s authority over
rate-setting, approval of marketing, and hours of operation and Cincinnati’s
daily to weekly course inspections. The court determined the second element was
easily met because the city’s golf courses were used to make golfing available
to the general public.
The court reasoned that the third element of the statute was
satisfied because Golf Management’s revenues were incidental compared to the fees the city earns from golf operations
(including greens fees and cart rental fees, which the city reinvests
into its golf facilities). Golf Management’s fees which were largely management
fees (totaling $165,000/yr) and a food/beverage
minimum (approx. $220,000) paled in comparison to the city’s nearly $6.2
million a year from 2007 to 2012 for golf course operations. The court also
pointed out that “over the long haul, the municipal golf fund can fairly
be characterized as operating on a close-to-break-even basis.” While the city’s
revenues averaged nearly $6.2 million a year,
the average expenses were over $6.3 million a year, for an average loss of
approximately $150,000 per year for the same six-year period.
The Supreme
Court of Ohio in Cincinnati v. Testa bolstered
its reasoning by precedent (prior court decisions on point), such as: Carney v. Ohio Turnpike Comm., 167 Ohio St.
273 (1958); whereby a private corporation selling food, drink, gasoline,
and other goods at a state owned turnpike plaza did not defeat an exemption for
public property operated exclusively for a public purpose. As stated by the
court in Testa v Cincinnati, “The
focus in those cases was not on the revenue realized as a result of the
challenged uses, but on the incidental character of the private use in relation
to the public purpose.”
private golf course owners are not happy. As claimed by the tax commissioner in
Cincinnati v Testa, “The city has
used the ‘competitive advantage’ of the tax exemption to harm private
competition.” On the other hand, perhaps this is a case of effect vs. intent. While the effect of the tax exemption is
harmful to private golf course owners, is that effect truly what the public
entities intend to achieve? The evidence does not seem to support such intent.
The testimony in this case established that Cincinnati refused a request by
Golf Management to increase greens fees concluding that a rate increase would
harm Cincinnati’s public mission. Exemption from taxes means lower costs, the
ability to charge lower greens fees, and accordingly, the ability to secure a
greater access to everyone. These actions, according to the court “constitute a
part of [the city’s] public mission not a refutation of it.”
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