Featured Resources: Census Data and Mortgage Glossery

There's a lot of resources available today on the Internet and when it comes to real estate, we like to link to as many of them as possible to help our readers in their search for information. Our "Useful Resources" link list can be found in the right column below the real estate/mortgage news headlines.

One recent addition to our link list is a fabulous 2010 census map provided by The New York Times. Hover your cursor over the map and access interactive census data by county. Click here to check out the census map.
Another recent addition is a glossary of mortgage terms provided by Total Mortgages Services. The glossary is pretty extensive. Curious about the meaning of  "abstract of title," "chattel mortgage," "acceleration clause" or "per diem interest"? The mortgage glossary will tell you. Click here to access the glossary.

1 comment :

Alex said...

Great writing and thank you for sharing it with us I really like that …
Alberta Mortgage